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Thursday, September 6, 2012

OOPS Question Bank For IT



SUB.CODE / NAME: CS1202- Object Oriented Programming




Part-A (2 - Marks)

1. What are the features of Object Oriented Programming?

2. Define Object and class.

3. Compare procedural language and object oriented language

4. Define Encapsulation and Data Hiding.

5. Define data members and member functions.

6. What is meant by message passing?

7. List out the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.

8. What are the advantages of Object oriented language?

9. List out the applications of OOP.

10. State Dynamic Binding.

11. What is the use of scope resolution operator?

12. Define friend function and explain its characteristics.

13. Differentiate member function and friend function in overloading.

14. Define an abstract class and concrete class.

15. Define static member function?

16. Define volatile function.

17. Define Local class.

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. Discuss in detail about OOPS concepts.

2. Explain Nested and Local classes with necessary examples.

3. Explain the Friend class and Friend function with examples.

4. a. Explain Default Arguments.

b. Explain in detail about Function Overloading.

5. a. Describe in detail about constant objects.

b. Define Access Specifier and also explain its types.

6. Explain in detail about Static data members and member function in C++.

Unit II


Part-A (2 - Marks)

1. What is a Constructor?

2. Define Copy constructor.

3. Define Destructor.

4. What is Operator Overloading?

5. Define default constructor.

6. What is the difference between Explicit and Implicit casting?

7. What is use of Assignment Operator?

8. What is the use of Constructor with Dynamic allocation?

9. Define explicit constructor.

10. What is meant by Typecasting?

11. What is meant by virtual destructors?

12. Difference between overloading and overriding?

13. List out the operators that cannot be overloaded.

14. List out the limitations of function overloading.

15. What is overloaded constructor?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. a. Write a program to overload assignment operator. (08)

b. Write a program to convert int to double using typecasting operator. (08)

2. Write a program to overload arithmetic operators through friend function. (16)

3. Write a program to implement Constructor, Copy constructor and Destructor.(16)

4. a. Write a program for overloading new and delete operators. (08)

b. Explain default and parameterized constructor with example. (08)

5. Write a program to overload binary operator using complex numbers.

6. Explain type conversion and its types. (16)

Unit III


Part-A (2-Marks)

1. State Inheritance.

2. Write the advantages of multiple Inheritance.

3. Define Polymorphism and also list the types of polymorphism.

4. What are Virtual Functions?

5. What are Virtual members?

6. What is meant by pure virtual function?

7. What are composite objects?

8. What is meant by RTTI?

9. What is up casting?

10. What is down casting?

11. What is cross casting?

12. Give the use of typeid operator.

13. Give the use of dynamic_cast operator.

14. Mention the limitations of RTTI.

15. Mention the need of Virtual base class.

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. Explain a Multilevel, Multiple and Multipath inheritance.

2. Describe about RTTI in detail.

3. Explain the composite object with necessary example.

4. Explain the various typecasting operators with example.

5. Explain Down casting and Cross casting with example.

Unit IV


Part-A (2-Marks)

1. Define Stream.

2. What is meant by namespaces?

3. Define setf().

4. Give the use of tellg() and seekg() functions.

5. Define File object.

6. What is meant by STL?

7. Define Object Serialization.

8. Name some File Modes.

9. Define Manipulators.

10. Mention the types of Manipulators.

11. Give the use of ios::showbase.

12. What is meant by ifstream?

13. Write the syntax for File open and close.

14. What is the need of STL?

15. List out the advantages and disadvantages of STL.

16. List out the STL Containers.

17. Differentiate c strings with c++ strings.

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. Explain in detail about Formatted IO in C++.

2. Explain about STL in detail with necessary example.

3. Explain Namespaces in detail.

4. Explain in detail about Manipulators.

5. Explain the hierarchy of File Stream Classes.

6. Discuss about STL in detail.

7. Explain the various substring operations available in ANSI C++ Strings.

Unit V


Part-A (2-Marks)

1. Define Template.

2. What is class Template?

3. What is meant by Function Template?

4. Define Exception Handling.

5. Mention the types of Error.

6. Define Terminate Functions

7. What is meant by Uncaught Exception?

8. List out some Exceptions used in C++.

9. Define try and catch.

10. What is use of rethrow?

11. What is meant by multi-catch Exception?

12. Define Exception Specification.

13. What does std::uncaught_exception() do ?

14. List out the several levels of exception safety.

15.Differentiate between polymorphism and templates.

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. Explain in detail about Exception Handling in C++.

2. a. Write a program to use single argument in Function Template.

b. Write a program for stack operation using Class Template.

3. Describe in detail about Unexpected Functions and Uncaught Exception.

4. a. Explain the need for Exception Handling.

b. Explain how the errors are handled traditionally.

5. Write a program to demonstrate the use of throw within and outside a function.

6. Write a program to pass an non generic arguments to a template function.

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